Found an old artwork c: ❤️🌺 it's one of my first ones I commissioned😊


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Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs!! I hope that you've had a wonderful day. The heat wave in the UK today has made me very sleepy indeed. What have you been doing in the sunshine? Here is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier for

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I've been playing with backgrounds!! AND I've been writing my own picture book. Here's a sneak peek at one of the scenes from my first ever dummy book!

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Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur
L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune
Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire à leur bonheur
Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune ...
Verlaine, Clair de Lune🌙🌙🌙
📸Олександр Чорний 🇺🇦

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🌠🌛🕤🌟 😴my angel JJ😊💖💖💞💕✴ Zzz 🐱💕💕

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☀️Even when I'm surrounded by the crowd of different people,
my eyes are able to see only U💖

Event : 20190630 - 🎢🎡🎠


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SweetDreams World 💋

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You’re My Sanity 💋 SweetDreams Nina 💋

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Good night, everyone. I hope that you have had a lovely and restful weekend. What sorts of adventures have you been having. After a very pleasant time watching my dogs sleep I wrote a poem about what I think dogs dream about.

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Good night, everyone. I hope that you have had a lovely day and that you have nice dreams!!

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Available now is the stunning new collection from Todd White over at Generation Gallery just follow the link to view the stunning collection, we include free shippin on all of our art:

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Good night, lovely people.
I hope that you have had a wonderful day. Have you been up to anything interesting?

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