Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Nacht und schöne Träume 💖💞💓

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Empress is going to sleep, would you like to do anything before that😏❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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Good night everyone, I will try to stream tomorrow ( in czech, but if u showed I will speak English for u)

Love you *chu* 🥰🥰

(Ai can't do it tho)

1 8

I just published a Raid Shadow Legends article and about the 4 Starter Champions. Check it out and leave a comment or feedback.


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I made a comic panel of Yae Miko, looks ight 💯def my last for tonight...Gn gang🤍|

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おやすみみみ Akazoku! 🤍
I am craving for beef tacos all the sudden…
Also thank you for fixing me Bunny Sensei!
Now I can cry properly…

5 26

GN Ducks! What a great start to the week and lets quack some more tomorrow 🦆

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