画質 高画質

I was requested to draw me but i didn't know if that meant my corn or just me sO LOL - anyways it's me when i see takumi just existing

0 3

Happy birthday, Hinata! Takumi and Oboro loves you!

159 189

Detailed Takumi for a commissioner (^◇^;) This took forever ;;

386 598

Harvest moon AU where Takumi is a competitive (and loving) chicken farmer

75 93


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"Lord Takumi, look! There are fireworks!"

Also finished this HinaTaku thing I had~ Having fun in a festival!

56 66

"Welcome home!"

Sakura is always the one who welcomes Takumi home with the warmest hugs.

249 291

I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Prince Takumi. There may still be a chance for you to live out your pubescent romance drama yet.

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I didn't particularly want a Takumi /You did, u liar/ But I had a feeling he was mocking me the whole time and taking my orbs

124 179

Takumi is love, Takumi is life^^

27 34

Tengo estas dos ilustraciones de Takumi y Leo, solo quiero hacer print de una y no me decido por cual elegir, ¿cual os mola más :/?

45 53

i'm not feeling so hot today so i'll just let takumi explain my mood

59 83

"takumi's voice is more seductive in fe:h" ...you're right

78 111

. Prince Takumi, I came to inform you that there's a war council meeting in a couple of hours, if you so wish to attend.

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