Gustave Caillebotte, Plate of Peaches (1882)

7 16


ポケモンカードゲーム REMIX
Pokémon Card Game REMIX

Majestic Dawn

Galarian Articuno

Illus. autobottesla

9 31

im being That Guy and wonder tradeing trash to see what i get, the bottem 3 are what i got as gifts in Home and the other 3 are ones i already wonder traded, waiting for the next batch

0 2

Sweden special edition


13 61

C'è così poco bene in giro, che qualsiasi sentimento nasca dal cuore non può che essere una carezza...✍️B. Goti ..... Stupendo Pasquale grazie! Dolce serata 📷gori - Venere e Adone - Tiziano Vecellio e bottega 1560

6 10

「deux bottes(ドゥ・ブーツ)」

0 21


ポケモンカードゲーム REMIX
Pokémon Card Game REMIX

Diamond & Pearl

Galarian Rapidash

Illus. autobottesla

4 15

Anyone else think Saorsie Ronan looks exactly like Bottecelli’s Venus?

0 1

Just outside Paris, Gustave Caillebotte goes down to the Yerres River on his family property and depicts the effects of raindrops / waterlilies / and paddlers on the gleaming water. BTW, you can still visit his house/museum there

34 195

Gustave Caillebotte (1848 -1894) fue un pintor francés, coleccionista, mecenas y organizador de exposiciones. Falleció a la edad de cuarenta y cinco años y está enterrado en el cementerio del Père-Lachaise, en París.

Crisantemos en el jardín de Petit-Gennevilliers

27 19

Venere abbraccia Adone, ha paura di perderlo, come sarà perché il giovane morirà ucciso da un cinghiale (Ovidio, Met., X, 525-559). La versione più celebre dell'opera, replica uscita dalla bottega di Tiziano, fu realizzata per Filippo II di Spagna

18 60

Ma cos'è codesto trambusto nella bottega di Mastro Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci? E cos'ha da guardare l'allievo Salaì, non ha forse mai visto un paio di poppe?

0 1


ポケモンカードゲーム REMIX
Pokémon Card Game REMIX

EX Crystal Guardians

Mega Blastoise

Illus. autobottesla

6 21

Reprise des illustrations avec l'un de mes personnages, Audrey, que l'on attend dans ma BD Prince Déchu pour botter des fesses ! 😄

0 8

Jesus I just keep finding more and more Easter Eggs on this Araki Paralympic Poster!

Soft And Wet can be found on the ankle of the racer behind Dio.

And the platform under Dio has a stretched out D4C face, and the bottem of Dio stilts has Doggy Style's head patterns.

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Souliers, pantoufles et autres chaussures (2)
Enfiler ses bottes comme on se loverait dans une coquille de cuir. La douce intimité, la régression dans l'innocent. Marcher peut-être, ou simplement rêver.
(Oeuvre de S. Stahlberg)

1 6

Gustave Caillebotte
Seascape, Regatta at Villers, 1884

4 16


ポケモンカードゲーム REMIX
Pokémon Card Game REMIX

EX Delta Species

Alolan Persian

Illus. autobottesla

6 10

Good Day!
Rooftops in the Snow, Vue de toits (Effet de neige) by Gustave Caillebotte 1878
Oil on Canvas
(Musée d'Orsay, Paris)

68 199