Sketch de cor de hoje...umas das personagens que mais gosto de colorir... minhas cores novamente no traço lindo do Matteo Scalera.

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Retocant l'esbós fent l'estudi de colors. Hi han coses que no acabo de veure i no crec que les mantingui. Les aniré modificant a mesura que vaig treballant.

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Have a which is actually a / but I’m so bad with visiting pieces again. Do you like to revisit paintings?

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‘Signe’ alla prima painting from today. Wanted to really have the form fill the canvas... also wanted to push the colors of the flesh. ©️Stark 2019

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I love the concept of non-human characters dressed with modern clothes. This is just a speedpaint color study/experiment, but I hope you’ll like it all the same.
Do you like urban/modern fantasy?

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Colorstudy sketch. Ladies and swords, always.

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Color Study
The original piece is from Edgar Gómez Art

Original 👇🏻👇🏻

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‘Woman in Lavender’: Kept playing with this one... keep promising I’ll step away...and then I am back at it. Learning process. Alla Prima with live model and then work in my studio. ©️Stark 2019

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Challenging 3 hour Alla Prima portrait session. Struggled through this one...didn’t help I decided to go 12x16 in size. Beebe under purple lights. ©️Stark 2019

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