Still life study of my foot 🦶. Both in color and black/white. 😂
©️Stark 2021

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Explored more expressive brush strokes and paint quality with this lovely intimate pose.
©️Stark 2021

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If this looks familiar, it's a redo of one I painted in acrylic for the first series. But don't worry there's a lot more new ones coming up!

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My most recent painting. Some trials and tribulations along the way, but this was great fun to do! 24"x18" oil on canvas.

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Day 4: Morning painting. No white or any color with white in it. Otherwise anything goes painting marathon! ‘At the Table I’ ©️Stark 2020

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‘Gilded’ painting from this evening. Loved the contrast of the model against the drapery. ©️Stark 2020

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‘Machelle’ Painting from last evening. Interesting exercise in shadow shapes and reflected light. ©️Stark 2020

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‘Arras’ : Another observation of color. This time I wanted the figure to be part of the tapestry behind, to treat the painting in its entirety. ©️Stark 2020

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Fun morning finishing off this color study in oil. Love playing with colorful object hit by dappled light. 5”x7” ☺️ ©️Stark 2019

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Fun alla prima session this morning in Oakland. Really interesting reclining pose with a lot of twists and turns. ©️Stark 2019

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Wanted to do a painting in oils in one sitting, just a bunch of Ashley wood inspired figures, tried a more limited palette too! Need to do this more often. -

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‘Signe’ alla prima painting from today. Wanted to really have the form fill the canvas... also wanted to push the colors of the flesh. ©️Stark 2019

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