Eu depois de descobrir que o chiado da live não era do microfone e sim um cabo usb da impressora que dava interferência e deixava minha fala com chiado. E eu quebrando a cabeça com as configurações. Peço desculpa a todos pelo chiado horrível da minha voz nas últimas lives.

1 20

Dear Demily~

Don't want to miss the sales?

In order to remind all of you about Demi-Human mint exactly Date.

We had configured one for you to import into your mobile phone.

📅Google Calendar :

📱Public address in iCal format :

7 15

he revivido, les queria hacer saver que el comic si va a seguir, he tardado anto por mi pc, es que se daño y basicamente se borro todo, la parte 3 del comic va tardar un poco mas, tengo que configurar muchas cosas y mas que nada la tableta xd
igual, gracias por el apoyo 🥺.

2 29

novo alien da Kirby, da mesma espécie que o/a 3-oitinho/Bala de Fuzil, Pula Pula (isso é pra tu ver o quanto de configuração ela põe nos aliens, nem parece uma fêmea normal da espécie)

2 22

Dibujo feo que hice cuando se me desconfiguró la tableta y mi pincel digital iba HORRIBLE xbdbbd

0 17

(abre a imagem)
Dps disso, vc vai rolar pro lado até achar esse filtro de "RUÍDO"
Aí vc usa ele e configura ele pra como tu quer, da pra deixar com bastante ruído ou pouco, cabe a vc escolher como quer

0 1

New bitch came in the male so here some stupid config tests while I'm at work👌

0 15

The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is coming to PC in Japan on December 11th (JST)!
English version will be released later in 2023.

The PC version has exclusive new features by PH3 GmbH and additional configuration options.

📃Wishlist: (

148 551

Reposting AGAIN due to apparent grammatical and spelling errors, and a slight reconfiguration of the shoulder. Currently working on another OC that I've been procrastinating on, sorry about that btw.lave y'all and thanks for the patience.

0 1

👉👈 I’m going to change my come back to once I debut, since I want to reconfigure all of my stuff. And set up my new alerts ect.

Thank you for waiting for me and support me 😭 pls take a Wip of Char Sui Bao Puji for forgivenessss

1 16

Been trying to configure my printer Settings and finally got the colours right, but now.... there's these lines... I have brand new ink.... help

0 1

So users, what configuration are you using?

1 39

Colloque(en présentiel et sur Zoom):
"Transferts, reconfigurations et transition numérique dans la bande dessinée", Université de Lausanne, du 21 au 23 octobre 2021

9 16

By the way I've been staring at them in this configuration and I wish my eyes were made of teeth so I could chew on all of them. Thank you.

0 20

N9: 9th Configuration

Because of the strength of their faith, the sword chose him.

3 13

F15 Strike Eagle II also had analogue support, but you couldn't configure the stick, so you had to use a joystick with adjustable pot-levels, or put up with a plane that constantly wants to turn left and pull up. 😄 Fun game. F19 was wrapped around the same flight engine, yeah?

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This autumn the is presenting two amazing exhibitions, Julia Crabtree and William Evans: Slip and Henry Moore: Configuration. Take a trip to the institute today to see their amazing creations first-hand!

3 4

Another Alma and Rocky howto: How to Install & Configure VNC Server on CentOS 8, Rocky Linux 8, or AlmaLinux 8 - ByteXD

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