Back to working on a figure in panel 8 "The Prodigal and Avaricious" in my Dante's Inferno series. I'm hoping to finish this and the Resurrection in the next two weeks. Work in progress, oil on AlumaComp 48 x 60"

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今日はDante's Peakのお二人が凄いことになってきてます🥂

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Had fun on today's stream with the Dante's Inferno/Anime Crossover fanfiction. Tried to upload a booru while you were streaming but it says it's corrupted for some reason...? Anyways, a late post, enjoy the Goldman Booru number!

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Devil May Cry art shuffle, day three! Less than one week until DMC5 comes out!!
Faust, a familiar demon from DMC4 making a return in DMC5 in the form of one of Dante's new weapons. Get those red orbs ready.

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Only 10 days for Devil May Cry 5!
(this is the color version of my Dante's illustration)
Thanks for make DMC5 possible ❤️:

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Amazing art by the lovely
Danke!!! ❤️

I love all the details: Dante's devil trigger, the amulet, Claire's hand on the wing...

DMC5 Dante & Revelations 2 Claire

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AND another illustration for a different class based on dante's inferno?? I've been drawing a lot of offices

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Cyprian Norwid, Dante's hell

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DANTE'S INFERNO / harry lachman, 1935

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So, I browse DeviantArt from time to time. Spotted Demon Lord Dante's work a while ago, was impressed, and couldn't resist seeing his take on 's Mariko from the visual novel I think he's done a pretty damn impressive job - love the light and colour...

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Rossetti's 'Dante's Dream' is a favourite with many due to its soft, rich colours and complex symbols. It's also Rossetti's largest ever painting! You can purchase the print from our online shop

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普段「Café and Bar Dante's Peak」へ来店してくれてるアンタも、アーカイブで楽しんでくれてるアンタも……いつもありがとな。直接は難しいけど、俺たちからの感謝の気持ちを届けたくってさ。って訳で……メリークリスマス!今夜も、アンタにとって最高の夜になるように。

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Dante's s Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice, 1871
Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882
Rossetti's art was characterized by its sensuality and its medieval revivalism. His personal life was closely linked to his work.

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アンタらに出会ってから3か月とちょい……今日、やっと「Café and Bar Dante's Peak」を正式オープンすることができた。こうしてアンタらと過ごせる日々はめちゃくちゃ楽しいよ。VTuberとしてはこれからが本番ってトコだけど……これからも、宜しくな。

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I like desing Dante's Majin DT

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「Café and Bar Dante's Peak」12/8(土)オープンに向けて、カウントダウンイラスト第三弾。……コレ、どこで見られてたんだ?いや、休憩中だから別にやましいことは何もないけど……とにかく、OPENまであと1日だ。……アンタらに会えるの、楽しみにしてる。

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Oh hey look at that, the sword in the art piece looks to be same sword Dante's Majin form(??) is using!

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「Café and Bar Dante's Peak」12/8(土)オープンに向けて、カウントダウンイラスト第ニ弾。そうそう、昨日はグラス類、今日は店内を隅々まで拭き上げた。ドリンクがどんなに美味しくても、他でアンタを最高に癒せないんじゃ悔しいしな。OPENまで、あと2日。

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俺も告知したし、REALITYをみてくれたアンタはもう気付いてると思うが……12/8(土)は、「Café and Bar Dante's Peak」のオープン日だ!って訳で、スタッフがカウントダウンって名目で俺の一日のイラストを描いてくれることになった。OPENまで、あと3日。

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On Blake's birthday, his divine drawings for Dante's "Divine Comedy"

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