мне нравится как они из смешных детишек выросли в бадасс тиму
скетчи за последнее время. . . .

33 230

Ah, yes, woman in blue, a gay icon on the Boiling Isles.

4 25

A dtiys I'm currently hosting on ig for 2.1k 💕 also I finally drew Emira ^v^

220 925

Amazing commission by 💚💚

I needed more Blight twins content but my own hand can't catch up due to the many things I need to draw so it's the perfect excuse to spoil myself with a commission 👁👄👁

37 210

Edric Blight!
Had to edit it a bit more cause the Emira icon was in the foreground...
But! It looks alright :)

11 77

Emira Blight

Was requested to make singular pics for the siblings, might do Edric a lil later
How was the finale?

5 32

Mandatory beach episode ? 🤔
Man I love the Blight siblings so much 😭

23 100

Edric with glasses a comic + a pink doodle(i have an obsession with pink aight)

125 588

The twins began to guess about something💛

1 9

[Rest, Baby Sister]

Amity definitely tried to go to the field trip, only for the twins to drag her back to bed 😈😈

143 749

my brain made me draw Edric in the strawberry dress i had no choice
in my friends words "men in dress make brain go brrrrrr" idk what he meant

2 16

Selfship is welcome in my household, do whatever makes you happy bb's ❤️ Also how they got mistaken as a mushroom.

5 44

[Grom Fashion]

Okay but who in the world stood them up? I just want to have a word :)

223 1079