I make this meme when i watched TOH first time. its still funny though

Meme name (Belos... last seconds before disaster)

3 15

Well hello 😎 Tomorrow I'm going to another city for a month, so there will be no posts.
I hope you guys are doing great, love ya 👉♥

1 6

at first i was like “haha aladarius” as a joke,,, but bro,,, i don’t think it’s a joke anymore

123 630

i was gonna post something serious and then i found this so uh. yep.

6 28

"Ya le dije que lo atienden en la caja 2, ésta se encuentra cerrada, señor."
Janter Keileb trabaja en las tardes en el OXXO porque su tío es un explotador HDP.

30 228

I don’t usually make edits but after I saw long haired Peter I did my duty as an owl house fan

0 6

A penas me entere que el lumity lleva ya 6 meses de ser canon


7 143

no es viernes pero tremendo ship potencial 😳

créditos: Moringmarkugh

(este meme ya se hizo pero ahora es versión legal)


1 39

Por un momento pensé que diría el sonido de mi mano contra tus n4lg4s o algo así ._.


4 38

Me mandan a decir que en termino de contenido, ya no tenemos contenido


1 58

Hold Up Clawthorne Sisters Ver.
Drawing these are so fun 😂😂

9 32

When Lilith returned and realized all the current situations:

Lumity start dating, King gained the new power, Eda can transferred to a hot Harpy (maybe she can too), Raine’s sacrificed…, life is so new!

5 16