“Si bien la penicilina cura a los hombres, el vino les hace felices.”
Sir Alexander Fleming.

Un poquito de "felicidad" en este de pre-viernes

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Time to be a hero!! :3
pose from today was "heroic pose" :3

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Un nuevo dibujo para el "Pose heróica" Conimon es adorable, pero también capaz de pelear con su bo.

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seguimos con la dinamica de el dia de hoy toca gender bender entonces husbando Aradia el dia de hoy :3

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 10: With their favorite pokemon. 6/10/2019. wyatt loves a nice shiny zorua.

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Y aquí va el tercer día del "Durmiendo"
Este conejo solo sueña con chocolate.

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 9: Casual wear. 6/9/2019. he pink.

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 8: Playing a sport. 6/8/2019. this man doesn't know what a sport is.

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Arranquemos el Día 1 "De fiesta" Este mi OC Conimon (Cony para los amigos ;D)

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 6: Evening wear.  6/6/2019. he only owns a tuxedo t shirt. he refuses to wear anything else.

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 4: Cosplaying your favorite character. 6/4/2019.

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30 Day OC Challenge: Day 3: Color Portrait. 6/3/2019.

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"E"- Ebony
- nobody knows what that clam creature is, but she really cares about it
-has sea related powers she doesn't use often
-good at cooking

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"C"- Camillus
- he can transform into a small fox made of ink
-he has 11 "lives" left, it basically just means he can survive without any damage 11 fatal wounds. That's because of a curse
-likes videogames

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5. In love. I think they still look cute in dresses 💕💕

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день 4: косплеит одного из твоих любимых персонажей

это было сложно

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Y como no podía ser de otra forma voy a participar en mi propio reto XD os dejo con el perfil de Karen mi oc y el dibujo de su foto

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Je suis parti dans un OC challenge avec Alex alors la voici quand elle était enfant !

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