sebenernya ada versi photobashing abal abalnya, cuma ada bagian rambut yg belum dibenerin

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This challenge made me to start learning how to photobash backgrounds to speed up my work, coz I've never done it before. And I also had to try and do interior in isometric view. It was challenging...
Also here's a quick height compare of human-Lis and her wolf form.

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wanted to see roughly how he'd look like irl because i don't really visualize
3rd pic is references used and 4th is a weird photobash

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everybody posting their work they like the most and tagging others to join the club :3
tbh not many works i'm proud of :/ had a long art block, slowly getting back into it... still like my old lion king :) and this rather rubbish photobash of 2020 XD

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my visual librarys not that developed so i tried a photobashing technique of dropping crazy textures to give me ideas and tell me those arent some coolass shoulder pads

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Boredom has led to an attempt with photobashing some armor for me buff mom oc

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it's the same world we live in but elves ride giant schnauzers.
would you like to have one? : D

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Here is a new photobash for a new character in . Starting to enjoy 2D stuff more! This guy is very inspired by mancubus and actually what I picturted when I played on the

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probably this one cause it was the first time i'd tried making something from a photobash and i actually took my time with it over a week, sorting 150+ layers into folders etc.

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itu dari bikin tumbnail, proses paint sama photobash dan adjustment ampe final poles ekwkw ada objek yg pisah ada yg gabung, file mentahannya ge bagi jadi 5 file psd karna besar banget 1 file 1gb an, masa2 gw masih ga ngerti manajemen layer 😭😭😭

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Need to do more of these photobashes...

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gw nambahin photobash di bg untuk memperbaiki komposisi, gw make foto gunung yang sudah di atur blendingnya, lu bisa nyari gambar mesin juga untuk bagian bawah kereta kalau susah nyarinya, bisa make mesin lain, yang penting adalah gambar lu itu "believable" dimata audience

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Another art dump of uni work.
Here's some face designs for an alien I made with some poor photobashing(low on time-) and random organ. What a handsome boy.

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kalo buka komisyen photobashing kira2 ada yg mau ga ya...

basically kek gini (gambar lama semua wkwkw)

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Week4: standing firmly on our foundation we're getting into the photobash! We were asked to do some photomashing to have fun with this tool and also to photobash one of our previous sketches. Here i was really happy and excited with my result! 7/

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Had a photobash class today and i finally managed to do something decent in it, so here it is ~

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Hi! My name is Alba and my superpower is creating awesome Photomanipulation and Photobashing portraits (but yes, I also love to draw)!

Please follow me if you like my work!


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Photobash/paintover sketch

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A little something from costume class! A fun little photobashey exercise. Thanks to Emily Blunt for being Cora's face for a second

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