Juliet SmythさんのZINEが届きました〜❣️

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Juliet Smythさんの展示すごく素敵でした…!スミスさんご本人も明るくお話してくれる方で居心地良くなってしまう空間でした。遊びに来てよかったです…!!

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On heads up to all the women AND men who've inspired minds and fought for equality. In fact, happy and here's a picture of etc etc

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DMやZINEの制作・デザインを担当している、 Juliet Smythさんによる個展「BLUE LEMON」が3/8〜11まで、NAKANO GINZA GALLERYにて開催中です!



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Connections between poets & visual artists are examined at Poetry and Pictures as , Alice Maher (pictured) with Gerard Smyth discuss their experiences of working across their artforms. Chaired by https://t.co/7HHagfxRVy

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Juliet Smythさんの個展行きたいなー。

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≋ N E W S ≋

イラストレーター・Juliet Smythさんによる個展「BLUE LEMON」のDM・ポスターデザインを担当しました!




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イラストレーターJuliet Smythによる個展「BLUE LEMON」が3月8日(金)から10日(日)まで東京・銀座で開催。
Juliet Smythは都内を中心に活動しているアーティストであり、女の子や動物を描いたシンプルなタッチのイラストに、自身で紡いだ詩を添えた作品が特徴。


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Following on from our recent blog article featuring Richard Smythe, in our latest, Meet the Artist post, we have spoken to . Cherie is a live sketcher and some may say, the ultimate people watcher!


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Magical themes and a bit of exploring with everything.. but a productive year! 😄 🌌

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Here's a cover image I just finished for The Smyths, an indie comic about a super villain family of brilliant scientists. Check out the comic here: https://t.co/B1WKDVpevf

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Coming to see the remarkable photographs of Norah Smyth today? Don't forget to tweet us - we'd love to hear your thoughts 🙂

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OOC in Smyths animated segment now on YouTube!
Which of your boys' action figures would you push on kids?

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Come to the Cruthú Arts Festival this weekend... I may bring cookies.. 😎
(Maryland ones ofcourse..)

The Cookie Monster - 2018

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The Tiefling Glamour Bard, Smyth Alexxxa LeBoof, is in the books. I think I'm really going to get into this character a whole lot.

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New comic! Inkopolis Myths 04: The Second Great Turf War

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I will be exhibiting at the Cruthú Arts Festival this year, 26-29 July. I hope to see loads of faces during it enjoying themselves! Be sure to pop in and say hello! 💚 🤗

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