Is this 3 villains or only one? It's a Spider Slayer built by Spencer Smythe and features J Jonah Jameson.

Another villain has been added to my Spider-Man villain print. Join us on Patreon where each new addition is highlighted.

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General Smythe and Commandant Gorton.
Today’s classic series drawing.
I’ve now drawn all the second Doctor characters on my list, though still many of them yet to post this year. Thirty fewer characters than the first Doctor.

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Finished drawing the Adventure is Nigh crew. Really enjoying the series and can't wait for season 3.

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Wanted to draw one of my favorite WEBTOON Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe 💙💖

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Brauchst du auch eine Therapie? Meine Waldgeister sind auf Postkarten, T-Shirts, Taschen und Tassen erhältlich :)

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In Greek, Parthenos is the title given to goddesses who are virgins, for that is the word's literal meaning. Athena is the most famous Parthenos, after which her temple was named in Athens; Artemis and Hestia are others.

🖼️: R. Smythe

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Lore Olympus (Rachel Smythe) vol. 2

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currently reading: lore olympus by rachel smythe
~ thread to follow ~

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Я занимаюсь не тем чем надо.

Art belongs to Rachel Smythe.

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Walking in the night on Steam Smythe’s airship on the deck below. He’s telling me about the time he once wandered out without a candle and he took a terrible tumble, so he insists on helping me walk.

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"Axo gleefully jumped, as they never saw a creature familiar to them before, curious and awed they looked the creature with gleaming and bright eyes. Overlooking their excitement is Smythe and Gertrude in the corner, smiling, knowing that this would be a perfect gift."

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This piece is featured on 11/28/2022 "Explore" 😅


For details=>

Go and take a peek on exquisite collection of and photography 😉


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I always fall behind Lore-tober on the Weekends. Damn work. This time we got:
14. Sweatpants
15. Season 3 Redraw
16. God's Dreams

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It's Lore-Sona time for . I finally drew myself with a full beard. Lookit me go.

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Even tho she was only in two panels I fell in love with Hermes' mother Maia so I had to draw her

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I am now caught up with . Had fun with We all hope Apollo gets nommed. Also poor Hephaestus, he just wants to be part of their world

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Been really busy the last few days so fell a little behind with so am trying to catch up. Now I'm only 3 days behind 🌝.

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Here's the next batch of Lore-tober posts. I have elected to post them in batches of three cus I can.

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