The theme for was larval fish so naturally I drew a larval with wings 🦋

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A cow for my partner's birthday and a cowfish for

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Have you ever thought, "I like but I want them to look at least 100% weirder?" Well has got a theme for you this week! It's ichthyoplankton-the baby forms of fish. Here's a larval butterflyfish.

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And talk about a glow-up! The European eel's life cycle was so mysterious that even the Greek philosopher Aristotle pondered where eels came from - he decided that they sprung up spontaneously from the mud

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Juvenile frogfish - my significant other thought I was sketching a Doritos 😂😂😂

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The European eel's life history was a mystery for centuries, as fishermen never caught anything they could identify as a young eel. The transparent, leaf-shaped larvae - called leptocephali - begin their journey in the Sargasso Sea before drifting towards Europe

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A painting of a Ribbon Eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita) larvae from today's baby pics edition of from images taken by D. Zupanc at the Vienna Zoo.

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One nice thing about moving house last week is rediscovering things like this - a picture of a fish I made in preschool, aged 5yrs 😄

...I think those discoloured things in the ‘coral’ are meant to be crabs 🦀

Crayon and watercolour. 🐟

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Not my best, but this is a I made for yesterday. This is one of six (?) species of

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Started learning a new set of fish species... can anyone guess where these damselfish are from? 😉

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without references: Corydoras aeneus. Kept these small catfish over the years in a number of fish tanks.

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I'm in unfamiliar territory here but for E's fantastic suggestion I had to try my hand at a fish from memory. In order to save my blushes I've gone relatively simple with a Swordfish from memory!!

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Two unusually shaped fish from memory for I would do more with inkpens, but my 0.05 died and wont be replaced until wednsday.

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My no reference (I promise I didn’t use my profile pic) is also my first attempt at a glowthrough illustration, because at this point I know the insides of a stickleback better than the outsides.

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For this Wednesday's I drew the Snail Darter (Percina tanasi). The Snail darter has gone from "endangered" to "threatened" relatively recently. Keep up the good work little fish!

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Happy I needed a cartoon jaw diagram of Satanoperca oral jaws so... here they are! Adding to my growing collection...

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For the fold-a-fish inspired I have a discus (Symphysodon Aequifasciatus) folded into a peppermint angelfish (Centropyge Boylei).

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Happy (#WednesdayFishSketch?)! I drew the giant mottled (Anguilla marmorata) for today's Madagascar Fishes theme! 🙂🐍🐟

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