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One of the unique art on packed with tons of utilities (APY boost for $BPM reward, metaverse event, ID & PFP

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Confira a Splash Art das novas skins de Riven e Miss Fortune (com direito a skin prestígio) no time "Pacto Quebrado"
O que acharam das novas skins?
Além deles teremos outros personagens no tema, como Xayah e Rakan que serão revelados posteriormente!!

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La Bocchi Artista Revelación 2023

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one of the big revelations, that they used for the headline, was that Slippy was a tadpole for the first month of his life—Imamura would later draw tadpole Slippy in this Zero-era comic where the team exchanged baby photos https://t.co/cFGvg0eJG6🇯🇵

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Agora que o revelou a surpresa, eu tô podendo usar a imagem do de perfil, pq é Lindinha demais né? :3

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🌸Falta cada vez menos, por lo tanto al fin podré revelar el modelo. NekOnis! ayúden a revelar mi forma 2D 🥰

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El "Too Cute Criss" revela promocional y fecha de estreno

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Milio deve ser revelado na Quarta-feira, o que vocês esperam dele?

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Bring home a cry baby demon, and revel in her cuteness! Preorders go through 3/1!

💗 1.5in hard rose gold enamel

👉🏻 link in thread 👈🏻

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Então, eu e um amigo estamos fazendo um e essas aqui são algumas das artes dos personagems que teremos no jogo. Os detalhes de mecanica e afins vão ser revelados depois, mas em suma, imaginem um MOBA em tabuleiro. Enfim. oque acham?

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The seven Necros Highlander women awaken! The main characters of Grand Highlander have now arrived!

[Agitou Rikujou]

[Huldra Leviafall]

[Christayln "Chris" Lockheart]

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Quando Flagg retorna ele passa a liderar uma equipe focada em deter ameaças, como monstros e coisas fora do comum, o Equadrão Suicida.

Gunn revelou mês passado que teremos uma série animada com o Rick Flagg Sr, e composta por 'monstros'.

Temos alguma inspiração aqui? Talvez

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• Name: Christayln Lockheart
• Gender: Female
• Species: Human (Sakkai Born)
• Date of Birth: January 13th
• Height: 5'8"
• Hair Color: Red
• Eye Color: Red
• Equipment: Sword of the Disruptor
• Karmabound: Mictlantecuhtli 1/2

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• Name: Huldra Leviafall
• Gender: Female
• Species: Zauberin (Sakkai Born)
• Date of Birth: November 21st
• Height: 6'5"
• Hair Color: Blue
• Eye Color: Light Brown
• Equipment: Wicca Tome,
Rhongomiant Oracle
• Chain of Death: Kali

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• Name: Kunitsu Nobunaga
• Gender: Female
• Species: Human
• Date of Birth: August 27th
• Height: 5'9"
• Hair Color: Orange
• Eye Color: Orange
• Chain of Death: Azrael
• Equipment: Variable Array (Meteotech chain)

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And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

Revelation 8:8

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Hehehe we are at 15~ Revelio. I loveee the skirt and dem thighs

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