Now we get into uncharted territory lol
This is Baal another arc demon. She is a warmonger but rather quiet recently. She works out a lot and enjoys to wear yogapants. I don't do much with her she is just a sidecharacter.

0 7

I always gave my assault marines exclusively beakie helmets as they looked more aerodynamic, which mark of helmet is your favourite?

6 36

The Lynx Light Tank is a heavily armoured reconnaissance and infantry support vehicle. Equipped with a single auto-cannon, heavy bolter or a pair of volley guns, it is the Tempestus Scions answer to a sentinel.

3 26

During Hive Fleet Gorgon's "repelled" from Pagrius System, unbeknownst of Imperial Guards that the agri-world's food source are poisoned by Gorgon's toxic spores. Causing severe casualties to system's populace.

0 2

Good afternoon my fellow Princeps, for today’s I thought that I’d just do a compilation of the warlord Titans in my collection.

2 45

Many of you will know of our desire to have positive and clothed! representations of feminine heroes and villains. Here is the first, we hope to offer a in the near future to help us realise our ambitions!

6 13

6 fantastic objective markers added to the Charity Necron Army.
Great work by , please show him some love ❤️ 👏🏻🥰
Check our pinned posts for more details!

4 19

The updated artwork of Kryptman in the new WarCom article is awesome.

Was only a few weeks ago, before all the Octarius stuff, I saw someone saying Kryptman was an all but forgotten Character in 40k history... That opinion didn't age well.

3 55

Latest of the first Skaven Warplock Jezzail team - or should I say Rat-men Jezail team.

There will be 3 teams in total.

Lots more ratty goodness to come...

0 2

HEROES BRUSH HOUR, TONIGHT! Join us on stream for our first guest, ! He has challenged to the one hour speed paint! Who will be victorious? Come to stream, hang, and vote for the winner! 8pm/CST see you then,

4 18

Had a lot of fun playing this yesterday at the club. Really easy to learn (took me around 30 minutes) and really good looking minis!

Is it expensive? The core set is around £70-£90 and has everything you need in it without needing extras. Compare that to warhammer…

1 15

The Knight-Venator build is finished.

Just need to finish the Knight-Azyros arms for the ol' switcheroo

1 27

So glad to see Grey Knights getting some love. They were always one of my favorite factions, ever since the time of 5th edition and "Emperor's Gift". The Thousand Sons Infernal Master is pretty swell too.

0 4

Oh my 😍😍😍 these are incredible, I can’t wait!!

6 103

I hardly see battle reports with Flesh Tearer Chapter. How do they fare in tabletop compare to Blood Angels?

4 24