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Slayde, Loweson, Gazelle, and Seazas from Fire Emblem Gaiden (NES 1992).
1.5 hour of all.

245 592



5 30

Here’s my and all of them are very personal to me:
Golden Axe for Genesis
TMNT III: The Manhattan Project for NEE
Civilization II for PC
Super Mario Bros 3 for NES

0 10

I could play only until I die and it'd supplement my hunger for gaming. was just a staple of my childhood and the memories made on my NES/SNES. is probably the best game ever made. is just arcade racing perfection. 😍😍

0 0



2 21

Na wer kennt die gute alte Kiste noch? War ein super Studienobjekt. Gleich wieder rein in den Schrank stellen damit mir nichts an das Schätzchen kommt. 😃#drawabox

0 6

Lumpy Weekly Quilt 3
Palette: NES
Theme: Map

What a fun little world that the Lumpy community has crafted! Which of these lovely destinations would you like to visit?

Thank you to everyone that contributed!

12 53

The Legend of Zelda (NES) Bestiary: Dodongo

5 38


204 713

The Legend of Zelda (NES) Beastiary: Lanmola

14 64

風に描いた さんの似顔絵「ファビュラス」バージョンが完成。

predia の衣装は見分けるのが難しい。

1 22

NES版のゲゲゲの鬼太郎(NINJA KID)の妖怪地獄キャプっときましたよ。ファミコン版と特に変化は無し

5 6

The Legend of Zelda (NES) Beastiary: Ghini

8 38

風に描いた さんの似顔絵「ファビュラス」バージョンが完成。


3 26

The Legend of Zelda (NES) Beastiary: Leever

2 28

La a punto de cobrar más vida que nunca gracias a AGNES y https://t.co/dausVSX6wO

23 43

the black bass II, nes (1988)

48 90

Hello! now we have a nes dakimakura for from the show , the link you can look here: https://t.co/pP07l7diU2

0 3

From the instruction booklet~

Star Tropics (NES).

60 285

風に描いた さんの似顔絵をおひろめ。


8 26