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HieR C'éTaiT Ma PReMièRe Fois à CaRCaSSoNNe. J'ai MêMe Pas SaiGNé eT eN PLuS J'ai eu des SuPeR cadeaux. MeRCi!

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I did not expect you to be so IGNORANT that you'd actually think my sarcasm was legit. Oh wait, I did.

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Sigo sin shippear Percico (espero que se note el sarcasmo con la foto)

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*looks at him* yes really i hope that wasnt sarcasm cause you my friend are horrible at it

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Pony ponytails. Haha. *sarcastic laughter*. ... I need help.

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My friend Painting by Chioccia Massimo & Olga Tsarkova http://t.co/ttpftWUI

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Retribution Warcasters - Ravyn Wallpaper. >> http://t.co/kobZDI7h

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Sheep carcasses, Marrakech.

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