画質 高画質

I finished my drawing after a really long time, I hope I will draw more next time
Vielleicht finde ich dank Quarantäne ja doch wieder zurück zu meinem Hobby was ich die letzten Monate vernachlässigt habe

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Nossa essa é a última dr hoje porque eu já tô sem pulso e sem pescoço (socorro kkk)

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I drew something for the other two dorks, how could I not draw something for Sakura,,,
Happy birthday queen 👑 🌸

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In my mind, Gaara & Naruto are not just the bestest best friends, they are also INSEPARABLE. I’m starved for more friendship content between them, they’re just simply isn’t enough of it 😭

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Pelo jeito eu só postei o time lapse desse desenho, meu eu achei muito fofinho modéstia parte 😍

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Tava vendo ai decidi desenhar a Tenten pq sim
Mais uma pro feed

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So happy i finished this!! This will be a print and these 2 will be stickers!!

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E igual o Kakashi eu fiz o Yamato também, gostei muito mais dele do que do Kakashi mas é isso kkk

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Esse Kakashi eu fiz meio diferente do meu traço habitual e cheguei a conclusão que gosto mais do meu kkkk

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Current project update! Im soo used adding shadow tones on things but its strange when characters like this hardly have shadows haha

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Gaara of the sand a fav of Liam's voice 😭
If anyone is interested for 150$+shipping for 24inx12in watercolor

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