画質 高画質

Wanted to make some after the stream!
Still new to digital, so I cut the linework, but the colors turned out nice imo.

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Ola haha, me chamo Manu e sou artista digital, tenho 15 anos e meu sonho é ser concerpt artist. ^^ aqui um exemplo de arte :3

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Este es un dibujo del año pasado, el primero que e hecho en digital, cuando quise empezar a dibujar, y hecho en paint jsjs

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Olá, meu nome é Eduarda, mas pode me chamar de Mary, sou artista digital, designer de personagem (em desenvolvimento) e adoro trabalhar com ilustrações em geral, mas principalmente com um estilo mas mangá/cartoon

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Começando por mim

Oee, meu nome é Lara, sou artista tradicional e digital, faço meus desenhos pelo celular usando o dedo

💕Encomendas abertas💕

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hi there! My name is Alliah and I am 21 years old. I started drawing traditionally and still do it today. its not long ago that I started doing digital, and I really enjoyed it a lot! But I think my aching finger said otherwise😭. However drawing is still life for me😊

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Un Digimon Caballero Sagrado, miembro de los Future Royal Knights. El Dragón de la eternidad, aquel que su existencia no ha sido percatada por el mundo digital, ya que su sola presencia distorsiona la realidad misma.

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oi gente esse é o meu segundo desenho digital, não ta perfeito mas eu gostei

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Me encanto la pareja, y sentia la obligacion de hacerle un dibujo espero que les guste, me costo mucho y como apenas metiendo al dibujo digital, ya se imaginan pero bueno.
buen ship y personajes 👌👌

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Tried drawing Yaoi😊.
This is my very first to draw it digital, some are on papers😅.
Hope ya'll like it😁.

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Slightly broader brush - charting a progression? Pen and ink, digital, oil pastel. . . drawing and painting. . .

I nominate

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i spent way too long on this because for some reason i decided to do the whole thing traditional but then, after i finished, realized it would look better and be easier to make it digital, so uhhh yeah

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Empecé a dibujar en digital, al fin xd, bueno... Seguiré practicando aun no lo hago del todo bien. Cree una pagina de Facebook y un Twitter xd, por si gustas seguirme los pondré en mi Bio, gracias por el apoyo! Tkm💕

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Hola soy aj artista digital, abrí comisiones (tabla en el fijado)

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Hola! Me llamó Katta strofe😼
Yo dibujo en tradicional y digital, aunque mayormente en este ultimo<3
Dibujo para escapar de Chile :')

Artistas que recomiendo!💖

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Howdy! The name's Roobee!! I LOVE bees of any kind! I usually draw my characters and plan to make my own show one day! I do both traditional and digital, here are some of my best pieces of both worlds! Nice to meet all of you!

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Hello and welcome!
Name's Yanira, I'm a Spanish artist who likes animals and fantasy stuff. I mainly do digital, but I hope that changes soon.
Follow me on:
IG: https://t.co/hALbIV4OYt
Tumblr: https://t.co/H1kzWyKw1t

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