画質 高画質

Y hablando de vaginas, aquí va mi felicitación de año nuevo. Para que no se me haga tarde. Muy metafórica como verán. Mis mejores deseos para el próximo año. Que el 2018 nos colme de placeres.

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Happy holidays to everybody! Thank you for your support, your likes, your comments and enthusiasm! I wish you to have joyful holidays and lots of love!

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Another 'erotic cubism' painting of mine 💋

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///#NSFW/// Well I tried to doodle some casual sp00ky erotica & accidentally lined, colored & polished it to death oops 😬 Spent too much time messing w/ this so I'll post some detail zooms below~~ Hope y'all enjoy & have a nice, Spicy day 😉✨

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"Volgiti indietro e tien lo viso chiuso: che se il Gorgon si mostra, e tu il vedessi, nulla sarebbe del tornar mai suso"

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Trying something different with my art - erotic cubism! 💋

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