Jac gets magic that they can't control so they spend a long time struggling to learn how to use it and control it (and it really messes them up).

10 61

some warframe operators as a warm up for tonight. I take long absences from warframe so in-character Jac just takes very long Void sleeps (bc they still haven't meshed well with their Void powers even after all this time and they sleep to avoid messing themself up more)

7 53

To a great talented furry fandom artist . I love your artworks. They are incredible, beautiful, & gorgeous. Your works has a true compassion on each every characters. Jac from the bottom of my heart. From a kind heart furry fandom Hector.🐺🌺

1 10

I’m Jac! I like using bright colors and sharp lines!! I like making comics and designing characters based on things I like (Arcade games, wizards, food)

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this is rly fast and messy but older Jac's body design bc they've gotten up to shenanigans

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→Pia-no-jaC← HAYATO初のオリジナルピアノソロアルバム「Fine」、本人監修による完コピの楽譜が2/24発売予定です!


6 11

1 minute gesture practices that I refined!! Jac and ' Teddy having a grand time dancing

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1. Oldest oc - absolutely Jac. They were first made in 2012 as a character named Fish but they've changed drastically over time so they're nothing like the original Fish apart from some old carried over themes and struggles.

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Malchior and Jac dancing because they have moments of softness in between dealing with world ending threats.

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a quick doodle of Jac's in game armor

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Oficial Jac Schaeffer sera la encargada de hacer el guion de la película individual de Black Widow, por fin nuestras plegarias fueron escuchadas, si todo continua sin algún problema, lo mas probable es que vemos la cinta en 2020.

3 17

Jac never goes down easy

9 51

thought about making something for 's give away. I had a few ideas but decided to go with, something that I could capitalize my interests in this medium. so I did ya girl thanks for the inspiration Jac

0 4

spruced up Jac's design a little bit so they have actual bunny ears now, and did some color tests. still like the blue on them bc it's Iconic™ but I also like both b/w variations

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some Malchior and Jac doodles too

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Jac and Palmier are siblings tho, with Jac being the older one altho Palmier's the more protective one

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now some details abt Jac's plants

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compiled details abt Jac's left hand

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