La talentosa se inspiró en una fotografía de Katerina Plotnikova para crear esta ilustración digital llena de misticismo, fuerza y misterio. 🧙‍♀️🧹🔮🌙
Creada en su nueva Cintiq 22!

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Bit ill atm, luckily have support from emailcontact without him knowing tho (its work), but otherwise not much communication atm, sorry, no energy. TY 4understanding

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Es Taco Tuesday, y no pudimos resistirnos de compartir este tentador taquito creado por 🌮😍🌮
Que clase de tacos son tus favoritos? Aquí nos gustan los de bistec y pastor!

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My 1assistant and her wife rescued a babysquirrel few days ago, had fallen off a tree. After consulting 2Vets they brought it to a lady specialised on raising them, voluntarily.

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Hora de irse a relajar...🔥😌🌌
Ilustración creada por "Midnight Harmonica"

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There's something about sitting around a crackling campfire under the stars. 🔥😌🌌
"Midnight Harmonica" by captures this feeling perfectly.

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Batman cowl concepts for my Costume Concept Design class led by . Under the cowl I painted . Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, hope to try more soon!

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El es , quien usa su todos los días para crear. Nos gusta mucho su serie de chicas libres, naturales y felizmente imperfectas.

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실존하는 인물처럼 느껴지는 캐릭터들의
일상을 예쁘게 담아내는

별솜다 작가가 로 그린
닻별, 꼬모, 연우를 만나보세요! 🙋 🙋‍♂️

▶자세히 보기

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Happy Here are a few of my favorite Spidey head sketches from over the years!!!

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Some2years ago I tweeted to my idea of a wee bit larger singlehome fridge with enlarged freezer. My good old Bosch sportsline is still fine, yet once I needed a new one... Increasing singlehouseholds

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They announced ca 38°C for the day after tomorrow. I will try imagining doing this..

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