Read by & in one sitting. Intense, beautiful. Shows you the edges of grief and violent emotion.

4 24

“Full of heart and hope.”— starred review

1 1

FAQ at events is ‘where do your ideas come from?’ I've blogged about my answer:

2 4

My 2017 thriller novel THE FALL has a shiny new web page & 2-min intro vid

4 9

What would you do if your brother was the dog? See just how Mattie handles it!

0 0

and painting(acrylics) by Thank you and hope you like this!!?

0 10

Soooo, my book now has a cover!

10 77

The Scarecrow traps Batman & Robin in a creepy corn maze!

0 1

The Scarecrow traps Batman & Robin in a scary Halloween corn maze!

0 0

Batman & Robin get trapped in a spooky corn maze with the Scarecrow!

0 0

ROAR! Scheduling dragon-filled for 2016-2017! Message/email me for info.

3 7

We've got a spellbinding new imprint for your hi-lo readers!
Read all about it:

2 3

"a creative take on the Wizard of Oz tale" on MAGIC BELOW, sequel to BEWITCHED IN OZ

3 1

A list of recommendations for the best children's books ever.

1 0