hee hoo time for some fan art for 's FVN
I won't give away the name of this character, those who know, know. I'll leave the others to find out who this cutie is!! >:)

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28 195

Some Sketches that may or may not include in this wave, depend on their behavior!!! These jellows are CRAZY MESSY.

2 9

Been playing no more heroes 3
Henry’s new design is so good

229 574

Since Twitter compresses the hell out of this thumbnail, here's some versions for each individual game for easier viewing! https://t.co/uC58RC87sw

198 461

Heh, sped up today's pace by listening to something fun :)

0 3

un dibujo rapido de mi oc... si

0 7

Zakiさん( )からいただいたリクエスト「FUが徹夜でふらふらのデーモンをからかったところ、限界だったデーモンが髪の毛にダイブし、二人して現状に戸惑ってるところ」

6 15