Naive T Cell, White Blood Cell and Macrophage drawn in their corresponding sizes at 7-15 micrometers & 20-50 micrometers.

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“My, my….”

Yo, look at Macrophage’s dress. It’s hell.

I died. I died drawing it detailed.

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I drew some fanart of Macrophage from cells at work
Trying to make this into a print
Anyways cells at work is a fun anime and macrophage is an amazing white blood cell!

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This goes out to the man who touched the hearts of many fans. Known to be a voice actor, narrator, and theater director, he left a mark on the world. Having fallen to esophageal cancer at 68 yrs old, In loving memory of this man I’ve made this as a final thank you to him.

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What is a phage? ...What are they doing? Is it important? 🔬🖥 🧬🤔
There's the comic version introduction about "North Sea goes viral" (📑
📌Last picture is the same text as the comic strips

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白血球さん / White Blood Cells ♡

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Killer T Cell and Macrophage

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macrophage [大食細胞]

3 19

I finished this Bacteriophage T4 Mecha. It was some really nice environmental effect and perspective practice.

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from .psd file will be a Patreon reward of the NEXT month image set Hope you like it^^

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My Illustration of Erythroblast and Ms. Macrophage~

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PHAGE Recona (C)2018 エンテンカ | 帝国に鹵獲されオルガファージ体を移植された元オトメトロン | 世界観設定→

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5/5 COMITIA124 【24phage+林檎シニスム/L48b】

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