Caitlyn vient d'un clan Piltovien nommé Kiramman, on avait pas encore l'info sur son nom de famille jusqu'à maintenant

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Days 25-28 are Octangle as a Deku Scrub from the Legend of Zelda, Bonesy as Wilson from Don't Starve, a RAMramman as the Pokemon Tangela, and Imitation as Jared Infiern from webcomic UQuartz Downtime😉

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Imagine but now he possesses (or is possessed by) the Gemstone of Cytorrak ala What a master of the universe he’d become! Would he remain a heroic warrior or would he turn to the dark-side becoming an evil warrior? Adam Hastings art

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May 2021, Bonus Challenge # 1

💥Cliff Climber (MOTU Power Gear!)

💥Ram Man with 💥He-Man ⚔️

💥Clamp Champ by

1 10

Ännu längre norrut växer sig vansinnet starkare, i Kvenlands oändliga skogar. Här kan bara svekfulla magiker och ruskiga hamnskiftare överleva den långa natten.

Styr gör blodtörstiga häxor, och männen klär sig i långa klänningar för att frammana dolda andar.

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MOTU ⚔️ The Simpsons Mashups!

💥MoeDack and Ram Otto Mann by

And 💥Homertor & Milko
By @ GarryDean on Instagram

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Ram Man? whys he keep calling me a bitch!?!
felt tip fun although my random squiggles make it look like hes doing some ant-man shenanigans.

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Who’s your favorite character and why? (Not limited to the ones attached of course.)

And hey if you’re an artist and have the time take part in the challenge!

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Sharing an old cartoon on this beautiful occasion.

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Jai Sri Ram. Congratulations to all on this auspicious day. The dream we heard in our childhood from our parents.

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See the movie posters, a Muslim woman is shown doing Ibadat but a Hindu woman is shown smoking, this is because we Hindus don't take a stand for our Culture and Bhagwan.

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Many radical Muslims in India won’t be happy on 5th August as this event will mark uprising of SANATAN DHARM IN BHARAT AGAIN. It’s time we ask questions and take back what was ours!

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Weeks 1 - 4 of The Masters Of the Universe Drawing Challenge by

💥Ram Man
💥Thunder Punch He-Man

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Se state programmando delle vacanze “diverse” ecco qualche suggerimento.

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Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge
Weeks 1 - 4 ⚔️

💥 Zodac
💥 Ram Man
💥 Buzz Off 🐝
🤜💥 Thunder Punch He-Man

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