mods are asleep post more bucky sketches

21 144

Has anyone noticed marvel has been killing it with the costumes lately?

0 4

Funko has revealed their John Walker POP! Vinyl for


61 1182

Seems there is another upcoming addition to the Falcon and Winter Soldier Funko POP! Line with John Walker ~ coming soon!

18 169

/emerges from 3-month artblock

This was going to just be a figure study from the first episode of but it turned into a vaguely neoclassical Bucky pinup (surprising no one who has seen my art ever)

6 3

idk if this has been already done but

477 4850

Je sais pas vous mais pour l'instant je préfère c'est pas encore ça
Art by

1 1

what's going on in that cyborg brain

904 2941

no vi que nadie hizo ni edits de ese chiste, así que yo mismo soy, espero les guste

16 82

there is no heterosexual explanation for this 😳😳#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier

27 82

👉 MALCOM SPELLMAN, creador de asegura que el quinto episodio de la serie introducirá a un personaje muy importante.

⚡️ Además, afirma que le encantaría ver a ese personaje junto a Thor.

🤔 ¿De quién se tratará?

6 53