An optimized drug-eluting polymer for infection-free artificial joints. [N&V] [Article]

8 17

Optimized the Crystal Cave lava floor by using textures only instead of billions of parts. Looks better in my eyes as well!

6 80

Finally ... optimized Chibi ... can you spot the difference :p

0 8

More SSS tests! This time with moving bits!! Thanks to for optimized 3d scans

39 109

Screenshot from Mobile Device - it took some time, but the game is fully optimized and looks flawless everywhere :D

0 0

Urban Design Tools: Shape Grammars Optimized by Evolutionary Algorithms

2 13

I just published the optimized Maya → ThreeJS exporter I've been working on. 🎥

11 43

thanks! about 34k before subdivision and 545k after. definitely not optimized, lol

0 0

💥It's Friday. Don't let anything stop you from getting our legibility-optimized ATC Harris

0 3

Avatar contest for Intel® RealSense™ optimized ooVoo-App.

0 0

Meetup happening Dec. 16th.... Optimized Character Creation for Mobile VR...

3 3

Creating new AI ship designs. This is a large one optimized for ramming.

3 3

37% of consumers are more likely to purchase on a mobile-optimized site. Source:

0 0

It's getting there! Really unoptimized level system, though.

1 1

Källberg and Larsson, Optimized Phong and Blinn-Phong Glossy Highlights, JCGT'14

19 29