Behold! An assortment of bullshit I drew out of aggressive boredom and tiredness! There's even a Simspons!

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I wanted to draw this last week but tiredness took over: presenting Dani Fortesque!

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Voici un des quatres sprites certifié REDNESS. Vous verez la team complète plus tard!
A 🔁 sans modération!

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Jusitification of a Nuclear Global Health Workforce: risk, survivability & preparedness, triage, thermal burns

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When is at a MAX! (Been nonstop prepping for !

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GREAT... i overslept for last schoolday.... Tiredness is saying "Get Shrekt Glyde, your time is Ogre" ....wait dear.. what did i just say? 😕

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Day 8 of the 100 Day Project! Pretty much a depiction of my perpetual tiredness

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₍₍ During my tiredness⁾⁾

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I did that creepy lolwut pear for DA
Because boredness

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The announces winner of the 2016 Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership

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Illinois congressman introduces HR0030 to name October 2017 "Zombie Preparedness Month" :

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I made a bitch nee-san O(-< her name is Sylvie and she's pretty much the embodiment of self-centeredness

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Small just small little nap . Tiredness (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ didn't sleep very well

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The cure for tiredness has been found. It is shitty meme remixes and drawing Radai.

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lazy saturday sketching, so much inspiration..and coffee, and over tiredness..RP-ing until 7 this morning XD

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A mixture of tiredness and the looming work kept me from doing much. But hey, Edmund's here for some kicks.

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