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Auralonian Mothim - [Bug/Fairy]

The most beautiful Pokémon in existence. Mothim have managed to localize the entire Aurora Borealis within their fur. No you may not look at it, but you may touch.

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Auralonian Wormadam - [Bug/Poison]

Always bow to a Wormadam, lest you be ridiculed for your outfit. It is said they can fling such great insults that victims of their tirade are left suicidal for weeks.

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Auralonian Burmy - [Bug/Grass]

Burmy are only attracted to the avant-garde. They're often found around modern art galleries. Only those with the highest of IQ can understand their artistic expression.

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Fleet Admiral Bergen Hills
the man who killed the Pirate King
who aims to bring an end to the Age of Dreamers

(key background figure from my One Piece tabletop game I'm gonna be starting with my friends this week!)

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Everyone, this is Delilah and her Kitty mount Marble!

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Auralonian Scolipede - [Bug/Ice]

Scolipede are often used to find people lost in blizzards, or stuck under avalanches. They have a keep sense of smell. They also make exceptional diggers.

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Auralonian Venipede - [Bug/Ice]

This species has been almost completely domesticated by modern society. They also can't sleep unless the window is open, because they want to feel that cool breeze.

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Hey there! We're developing Relict RPG, a free tabletop RPG system with input from our community.


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The game is coming along! This is the basic game board (I will be updating the graphics for it but you'll get a feel of what it'll be like). The game can be played in Solo mode, Collaboration Mode, or Competition Mode (up to 5 players).

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Tabletop gaming can be wild

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The wait is over! The RPG Inclusive Nerd Network () is finally launching at the end of January. Let's create a supportive and inclusive community for marginalized tabletop content creators together.

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NEW RELEASES... We kick off 2023 with a bunch of fantasy and horror releases! In store now!

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Auralonian Archeops - [Rock/Electric]

Archeops hunt in packs, using ambush and bullhorn tactics to catch prey. Watch out for the blue-ist ones, though, as they're often the leader of a pack.

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Auralonian Archen - [Rock/Electric]

There is no braincell between the eyes. It's a miracle these creatures are even alive. Even dedicated Poké-Scientists are baffled by their existence.

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Please! Stop bullying the Charger! It just wants to go home! Can't you see it's hurting!?

...or a tears in the rain reference. Whichever you like.

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Auralonian Raichu - [Electric/Fighting]

After years of training, Raichu have learned a new boxing technique: Kicking things until they die. Their tail can support the weight of an Indian elephant.

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Auralonian Pikachu - [Electric/Fighting]

This Pokemon is surprisingly weak, but they've learned to overcome that weakness by powering up their punches with bursts of electricity. Try not to get paralyzed!

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Auralonian Pichu - [Electric/Fighting]

Pichu is what happens when you let Bonzi teach a mouse to box. Now Pichu spend all day screaming at people until they find someone willing to be practiced on.

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