Yoruichi and Shinji Fan art by Webtoon's Web comic of Bleach Alternative. A Mysterious event has changed the world of Bleach™ and caused it to go into disarray. With certain past events unremembered and a few familiar faces returns...

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On the webtoon's startpage!!! *kyahh*

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Good news, everybody! Chapter five is coming out this Saturday! 👀 Are you ready for some downtime between yee fave girls???
Don't forget to tell your friends about Heartblood! Webtoon's comic competition is coming to a close very soon!!!

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🎉Posted the first episode of my Webtoon's contest entry, Syntax 9~!🎉


✨ Also, Zenchav Chapter 13 Page 9 is on the site~! ✨


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i was working on a comic to enter into a new contest webtoon's got going but i missed the deadline to start posting pages.
I'm going to try and just upload it via webtoon anyway though.

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On the podcast happening this Sunday and Tails (authors from LINE Webtoon's Discover section) will be guests & will talk to us about their works. They wrote Score on My Heart, which is where the picture seen below is from.

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chibi drawings of my plant childen's webtoon's MCs~!! <3 I love their stories so much 😭✨💖 KEEP IT UP GUYS! ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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