画質 高画質

Tessa by
Amadeus by
Dante by Dramana (dramartist on tumblr and Dramana_22 on insta)
Europa by

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Such an awesome idea! 10 K is on it's way! This is Cerigosa. Art is by NephiamArt, Noirsnowart, and Cherrydwen

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I hope its okay that it isnt the same pose... But your OC is really pretty ^^ thank you for hosting this

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Thanks you so much for the chance and congrats on almost 100! This is Cerigosa and for a favorite candy I live for Almond Joys. (Art by Noirsnowart, Nephiamart, and Cherrydwen)

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Nadie ha sido capaz de saber lo que puede presagiar su presencia, ni tampoco ha habido precedente alguno en los libros de Targón. Solo debemos ser muy cautelosos... ¡Por si un grandote pisador nos cae desde arriba!

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inbetween from todays stream. sorry for the slightly low energy today. also almost doxxed myself, luckily the camera is too low quality and so the address is unreadable...shows how little experince I have with this stuff tho. fun fun fun, not a mini heart attack at all.#streamart

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