画質 高画質

Bonjour aujourd'hui on décide de répondre à quelques unes de vos questions !
1. Quand est-ce que ça sort ?
Le 21 février 2019 comme marqué sur l'affiche.

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Admirable tactical rpg is doing combat psychology modeling for new DLC:

“A mercenary’s life isn’t easy, and seeing the man to the left split in two by an orc.. put a strain on the psyche. People react differently...”

More on:

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Baron BeBauche
My DnD character, Baron DeBauche. A not so well functioning drunk who gets a -1 to all physical checks and advantage on all charisma checks when drunk.

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Sunset Watch
Fiery dramatic skies at Hook Head Peninsula, Co Wexford home to the worlds oldest working lighthouse.
New work by award winning Irish Artist Kevin Roche. Oil on canvas. Floated and framed in a box vellum frame. 90cm x 40cm €625.00

2 9

Bon... c'est pas parce que Yamamuro-san a comblé les fonds noirs que ça en fait des compositions de meilleures qualité que les 3 premiers BD 😅
Ça reste correct, mais y'a vraiment pas d'âme qui se dégage de ces covers faites à l'arrache...

4 19

Oh, du fanart, ça change.
C'est fais très très à l'arrache. x)

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6 17

Necesitamos ACOGIDA URGENTE para el gatito sacado del motor de un coche. Al parece llevaba días abandonado en Valdeperdices, Zamora. Es caserito y súper mimoso, tiene 3 meses y es negrito.
622934562 / defensanimalzamora.com

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Another quick update, got another side character finished up. He doesn’t have a name yet, but at least he’s got quite a nice mustache. 🧐

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Another This time using Had a lot of fun watching the come together. I love doing all those at because I get to see the and of many exotic animals.

"Still-life with Polar-Bear Skull" (42x30cm, A3)

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11月9日 ひるま


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Pihla & Klaus. 🐏🐺🌱
Hot press paper, watercolors, colored inks and gouache.

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Il 22 novembre sarò alla University of London ( / ) per parlare dei personaggi che popolano le vedute di Parigi del Settecento, piccole figure spesso ignorate ma ricche di informazioni storiche, sociali ed artistiche.

Se siete in città,vi aspetto!

Per più info, ⬇️

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6 décembre 1534 : Le capitaine de soirée Sebastián de Benalcázar et 200 copains fondent le Quito Club pour leurs soirées BBQ, sans la moindre autorisation des pouvoirs locaux.
6 décembre 2018 : Isabella poursuit sa route en toute discrétion et avec les autorisations en poche.

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Fertiiiiiiiiiig! Der OC von !!! Sie tat die Lines und ich war so frei es zu colorieren ahaha. Ich habe auch ein Speedpaint was ich morgen fertig mache. Heute ist es zu spät ahaha

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Thought I should post the actual DnD character. Sorry for the bad colors, I did this on MSPaint and I didn't shade because I had a huge cramp in my neck and had a headache. Dryad Druid Agnes, everyone.

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Just in case you dont wish to see nips, have a moustache.

She is an aardwolf. Fun drawing fact: When angry she gets more feral looking but can make ears appear on her own (and they are large and cute). Also, she's clueless.

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Inktober day 31: Slice
The unlikely teamup between an 80’s cartoon fan and a street food vendor proved to be smash hit with the nouveau riche.

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