画質 高画質

Drew hualian to make into charms and figured it'd be fun to scribble them a quick (not falling apart) puji shrine too, hopefully I wrote the characters right 😅

128 310

Me: hmmm i should do more mdzs fanart
Me: *accidentally draws Xie Lian*
Me: ...

94 227

um..!! i made a hua chungus charm concept?? i don't know who'd be interested so i'll just print a few and go from there :'D

263 817

I’ve only known about hua chongus for ten minutes but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself

14 43

Ch 100 Spoilers

Xie Lan ascended once again in Heaven because of San Lang!

9 15

澄宝 汪叽 戚容 姐夫 以前的低价头像稿子 刚好还剩四个 一条发完

8 33

画了一只花花~HaCheng is watching you~我超爱花花的!

26 104