画質 高画質

Three new animals O: Here are an Orang-utan, Numbat and Lemur!

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feelin crappy, but i doodled two cuties, Sai and Botan, from animes I used to own and for some reason got rid?! mahou

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Keeping it minimal and simplified – Yuka&Tristan, illustration by http://t.co/1GbPElrvZH

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Welcome to Kebabistan, the ne plus ultra of shawarma stands in Copenhagen: http://t.co/aDOX256qPX

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I'm the Highway Stan, I make ends meet just like every man

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Matt Wojtan, Illustrations, sketches and some painting by artist Matt Wojtan.

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min dapet dari grup fb, lokasi bugisan selatan, ketangkep 4. Menawi belum fix jangan di RT nggih

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Playing Doodle catchup with Stan, Jolly P and Pippy.

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Arratsalde honetan, 16:00etatik aurrera, Euskadi Irratiko saioan izanen nauzue komikigintzaz hizketan.

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Attack on Titan Live Action (rilis 2015) membuka Casting untuk Titan, ada yang minat? | http://t.co/7NeXLao9Lk

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Il y a plus d'un mois, j'avais rêvé d'une chambre dans laquelle Stan, Kyle, Cartman et Kenny dormaient paisiblement..

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Ganbatte buat yg lgi UN, jgn lpa d ljk tulis nm sndiri, jgn tulis nma gebetan, apalg nma mantan yap~ /tlat

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Future Olympic Mascots (2 of 5) by - Pula the Poppy (Kabul, Afghanistan, Summer Games 2024)

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Düşmanını ağlatan, dostunu güldüren ordu.

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maaf udah lama ga muncul >.< kamu sehat kan tapi? XD ini ada dikit coretan, hope you like this :3

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What many may not known is that before becoming a badass Spartan, Kratos had a big dance career.

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