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Stanley Spencer, St Francis and the Birds, 1935 #tatemuseum #stanleyspencer https://t.co/mwAaSm4Isl
Stanley Spencer, Marriage at Cana, 1953 #museumofmodernart #stanleyspencer https://t.co/LR3jvAOP5B
🖼️Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta: Girls Listening, Stanley Spencer 1953
🎨Style: Neo-Romanticism
Genre: symbolic painting
Media: oil,canvas
#StanleySpencer #art #artgallery #artist
Source: https://t.co/5f9TrJpVLk
Gardens In The Pound, Cookham, 1936 #stanleyspencer #neoromanticism https://t.co/fCSQpxJnLr
Workmen in the House, 1935 #stanleyspencer #neoromanticism https://t.co/DzdufZm26t
Stanley Spencer, Marriage at Cana, 1953 https://t.co/LR3jvAOhg3 #stanleyspencer #museumarchive
Self-portraits are an interesting route into C20th art history- so many inspirational works in this book by Philip Vann from 2004. #selfportrait #britishart #arthistory #stanleyspencer #cecilcollins #cedricmorris #philipvann
Stanley Spencer: His Two Wives And A Love Triangle
https://t.co/0MW9whcNEU @stanleyspencergallery #stanleyspencer
"A Wet Morning at St.Ives" 1937...Painting by (Sir)#StanleySpencer (British,1891-1959)..
This painting of #StIves #Cornwall was one of only 6 Seascapes he was ever to paint and represents his loneliness and mood of isolation at the time.
Official #WarArtist WW2. Knighted 1958..
#StanleySpencer drawing of a music lesson at #Bedales school from 1921 on our stand @TheBADA1918 - closing Tuesday
How do we know? #WW2 Documentation, archives, #MassObservationDiaries #WarArists #StanleySpencer Shipbuilding Yr6 #primaryrocks
Excited for @WorksOnPaper Fair
preview of great #ModBritDrawing picks @modbritpictures:
#ThomasMonnington, #StanleySpencer & #HenryTonks
CLOSING TODAY! #StanleySpencer: Of Angels & Dirt - 'In these troubled times, this is a show to cheer you up' (BBC) https://t.co/YU2pVRqMLH
Don't miss #StanleySpencer, closes 5 Oct! 'Head for Yorkshire, see these life-enhancing paintings for yourself' -BBC https://t.co/YU2pVRqMLH
Great visit @HepworthGallery. Loved the #StanleySpencer exhibition.
Only 5 weeks left to enter @cookhamfestival's #StanleySpencer-inspired poetry competition! https://t.co/H4VT5hkgsg
We've got two #StanleySpencer works in our #HarrisMuseum collection! @StarfishEnglish https://t.co/z3ojZZBrIB
Time again for those wonderful magnolias... #StanleySpencer @SpencerCookham