🖼️Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta: Girls Listening, Stanley Spencer 1953

🎨Style: Neo-Romanticism
Genre: symbolic painting
Media: oil,canvas

Source: https://t.co/5f9TrJpVLk

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Self-portraits are an interesting route into C20th art history- so many inspirational works in this book by Philip Vann from 2004.

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Today is Good Friday: Christ Delivered to the People 1950 by Cookham, Berkshire-born trained member Stanley Spencer. Oil on canvas. Purchased by in 1983. (c) Artist's Estate.

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Stanley Spencer: His Two Wives And A Love Triangle
https://t.co/0MW9whcNEU allery

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Pls RT First this evening: speaking about amazing paintings by 20.00 talk followed by sung at 20.30. ALL WELCOME

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One of my Yr6 chose selected moments for his An interesting aproach

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drawing of a music lesson at school from 1921 on our stand - closing Tuesday

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V glad to squeeze in a trip to exhibition at today before it closes: https://t.co/B8rYfxFZdG

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Time again for those wonderful magnolias...

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