Single roll and i got Ch'en <3

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Here's Good Luck Grani to help you in your Ch'endeavors.

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Here is a Ch'en & Hoshi for a slightly more blessed gacha experience 🙏

375 1169

Ch'en catalyst! Good luck for u guys who's aiming for her :3

4 24

i have seen this Ch'en glasses pict for a while
fantastic isn't it?

1 8

i wish y'all can get ch'en for the next banner.

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チェンデレ 🀄️

Ch'en, please come home... v2

27 100

Hope i won't have to use all of AO for Ifrit's banner 😂 because i also wanna roll Ch'en's banner 😭

3 15

STOP HOARDING!! - A friendly PSA from Ch'en

8 14