Maybe one day I’ll draw tidily. Today is not that day.

This is all I’m going to do for today bc wrist shaky but I’ll probably screenshot other pretty wols to draw another time.

1 16

AAGH MY MESSY DOODLES SOMEWHAT DONE FINALLY 🍞🥐🥨🥖🥯 (+ 1 from since they were the only one out of like....ten i had time to finish 😭)

people need to stop having such cute wols i never have time to draw everyone i wanna draw 😤💔

8 39

Third (Y'dyalani Sheqa)
I really want the "edit" button

8 55

ive been here hours n only managed to doodle two bUT HOPE U LIKEM /// 🥺🥺

11 40

also a cute bun with a cute name c:

3 19

came late, but was still able to get a drawing out 😄

2 16

That awkward moment when you draw somebody, and forget their name, then frantically look for them and they've left. This is for you pink bunny with bunny hat.

2 9

I was attempting a cat boyband pic but too many people walked in - I tried 🥺 Maybe next time

3 15

Shading study of ^^🌿 Also thank you for recommending this brushes they're really good ❤️

3 24

and this lovely intellectual who said sal looked gerudo

1 17

On to more relevant things

I'm not at today's but I'm stealing the hashtag for this A'ryun Tia portrait from last time!

(I think I botched the hair color because I can't tell hues apart apparently)

1 4

Colored your elf sketch! that I did in thank you again for ur drawing! Hope you like it!

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