Chrysalis's great feast!
Drew by
Dedicated to my close friend

1 13

Random pony? Sombra and chrysalis’ daughter?? Maybe?

11 62

chrysalis stacking the mane 6 into a tower

1 10

chrysalis turned the twilight into a Cushion than flattenings to embarrass her new form

1 13

chrysalis turned the mane 6 into cushions

5 24

another art trade but this time it was for ✨ they wanted me to draw queen chrysalis so i did a human kinda verson bc idk how to draw horses

0 5

Had a really fun time drawing this on stream with everyone! Thank you all for your positive words and encouragement. I'll try my best to make you proud!

Twitch: VentusAquaTerra24
Instagram: chrysalisdiaries

0 15

There's an imposter in Canterlot!
Dec 11, 2017

1 0

Today, I am a gooey chrysalis, soon to emerge into a well rested butterfly. It’s also laundry day.

0 4

my beautiful 8 WIS 8 INT elf barbarian Gemma Chrysalis

63 505

Younger Queen Chrysalis soon after Changeling Unification, 982

30 125

Metapod is based on a butterfly chrysalis. The gold rim swallowtail's has a strong resemblance with it.
Chrysalis refers to the pupal stage of butterflies where, unlike moths whose pupae are cased in silk, the casing is simply a thin layer of hard exoskeleton.

📸: Alan Chin-Lee

4 7

I hear it's Chrysalis day?
I can't not celebrate the day of the cute bug wife!

28 123

New Post: Drawfriend Stuff - BEST Art of Chrysalis (2021 Ediition) - Part 1

22 147