because our heroes deserve way more than death and loneliness. They want to be loved. They want a family. Let them smile each other again and create something new. That's what hope is about.

6 20

Fascinating how Adam is able to play Ben Solo's temper only with his lips

Look closely: all his feelings, all his thoughts can be red from his mouth's motions. Adam did it sensible sigh in every Episode, he got the feel of tearing-Ben-Solo-apart role so closely 🖤

10 34

The smile of true happiness, even though if it was just for a moment ❤

280 1392

Rey and Ben deserve a better story.
They're a dyad in the force, two halves of a soul.
Don't leave Rey alone without her love ❤️

6 21

because we want to see more scenes like this one ! It was simply blowminding. Their duo is fantastic. They are always challenging and helping each other. I have never seen a fight like this one. 😍

37 100

Try to lock me in this cage
I won't just lay me down and die
I will take these broken wings
And watch me burn across the sky
Hear the echo saying I...
Won't be silenced
Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

18 62

▪️Tweet only POSITIVE hashtags to show our love for character!
▪️ Tweet only POSITIVE words [love, hope, good etc], because Twitter-Bots tag words [lonely, break] like NEGATIVE, that's bad for us!

53 107

because every character down here had their chance to live a life of redemption.. Except Ben Solo. It's not right.

3 5

Всратослав присоединился к чату ◀️

4 15

He fought in the Throne Room as Ben Solo already in TLJ. When he stands with Rey, he can't be Kylo Ren – his fight style becomes wild, fast, reckless and real ❤️

, I want to see more Ben Solo – brave and bold, protecting Rey, no matter how hard he is now 🔥

29 68

💕... I can show 💞 You 💞 the ways of the Force! 💜 💜 💜

4 29

Es gibt mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir. Hier das fertige Bild für die in Berlin spandau. Ich habe mich mal für ein paar Tentakel entschieden. 😂 Sehen wir uns im Juli in Berlin?

2 11

„Merkel-Rede in Davos:
Klimaschutz eine Frage des Überlebens““

5 11

Our beautiful prince needs to bless us with more smiles like this one!

8 63

There are 4 OTHER WAYS how Rey could sit on Throne TOGETHER with Kylo instead of making her standing by him 🔥 Women want to sit besides the men not standing in a corner, .

14 36

"Hey, you, come here, girl. This is gonna fun for two of us. Truly fun this time" 😏

5 16