THE DAILY PLAYSTATION: A combo that was Japan only at the time but comes to the West remastered in a few days. Have you ever commanded your armies in this epic world? - LANGRISSER I & II

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Welp, not OC, but Lambda/Mariandel[Langrisser 5] & her World Tree child(my 1st baby drawing of all times). People say the loli from official illust is World Tree child born from Lambda (should her name be Yggdrasil since the name is World Tree in Norse mythology?).

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Welp, this loli from Langrisser Mobile turns out a child of Lambda/Mariandel (for new story). They say she inherited world tree power directly from Lambda's power. *incoming loli obligatory*

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Known by humans as the Goddess of Light, Lucilis is the embodiment of peace through law. Learn more about this divine being, along with other characters from Langrisser I & II, by visiting the official website: (

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Langrisser Re:Incarnation looks like it was made with flatties in mind...

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Our NISA News stream is coming next Tuesday, January 14! We'll have LE spotlights for LA-MULANA 1 & 2, Langrisser I & II, and Psikyo Shooting Stars, plus a Q&A with our two lead Trails of Cold Steel III Localization Editors! Send us your questions and we'll answer them on stream!

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Langrisser M x The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky

Trails in Time Event pt.3
Don't bully Elwin, please.

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Langrisser I & II - look at character Liana

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La collection de remakes de Langrisser I & II sortira le 13 mars 2020 en Europe, vidéo de comparaison

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Langrisser I & II launches March 10, 2020 in North America, March 13 in Europe

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Langrisser I & II reversible cover art contest winner chosen

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My contest entry for Langrisser Mobile's Half Year Celebration!

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