“I’ve had my fun... pretending to be human.”
gOD Lyon looks so amazing I had to draw him aaaaa
Got 200 orbs saved up for this lad, I hope he comes home h

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Arte de «#Lyon: Demon King» |
Arma: Grimorio Verde
Movimiento: Infantería

18 47

👏Sacred👏Stones👏 Seriously if you played 3h and enjoyed the heart wrenching tragedy while falling in love with the colourful cast do yourself a favour and play (Eirika route). It's such a tragic and well made game PLEASE PLAY IT!!!

4 6

I am not good at redstone.

0 4

「レッドストーン」ベテラン冒険家ほどたくさんもらえる「RED STONEプレイング感謝祭」が開催 https://t.co/pzYGhSqhMJ

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And here it is! Thanks for 150 followers and counting!

6 33

Working Mancala – Redstone Only - Map - Updated! - https://t.co/301ruZ9dwK - By

2 17

「レッドストーン」「覚醒」対応の最上位装備が登場!ビーストテイマーのスキル改変なども実施 https://t.co/XTKXnyEKO5

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Cormag for the project [1/3]
・ Wyvern Lord + Steel Sword

12 36

Also a cute lil' secret path to go inside the waterfall ;) (opens with a redstone mechanism... First time working with redstone, it was hard haha :'3 )

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Haven't draw a fire emblem character in AGESSS soo have a Marisa

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Sooooo told me I should post this here,this was part of a draw this in your style on Instagram ,I took part in ,of ,hope y'all like this,this was actually fun to draw
(Also he's holding a redstone torch xD)

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