new alucard skin for jeritza lol + bonus mercedes as lisa because same hair 🥺

472 1188

jeritza call me back

8 25

first is jeritza, second is seteth dont mind that hes my profile pic still SDKLFGJHRGFDG

0 2

Its Jeritza loving hours

6 11

just some old jeritza doodles i dug up lol

30 105

welp im.. here for bylitza but it's some what intimate and im still into jeritza havin scars under his mask

11 38


There must be some mistake. This girl, she is..


0 2

obligatory jeritza wearing a turtleneck

33 110

help i. cannot stop thinking about byritza,,, and just jeritza in general,,

16 46

LARRUN | Jaka Horiak eta krisi ekologikoa.

Pello Zubiriak kudeatu hilabete honetan Larrun-a, -ren azalarekin.

Aldizkaria jaso eta kazetaritza independentea bultza nahi baduzu, egin zaitez ARGIAkoa!

3 5

pleas,,,, just let me marry jeritza i’m begging you

1 18

this one's for me and the 9 other jeritza stans

41 76

🥺🥺 hhhhg CAN’T WAIT FOR DLC.....

261 394

more mercie jeritza swap au!!

401 1106

The Jeritza stans when the DLC arrives

127 240

wow guys they added jeritza in feh

2 12