From Sketch to Stiker in case I feel malicious!

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Happy 58th anniversary
This show has changed my life forever and helped me through difficult times, always in my heart! Allons-y! ♥

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was so good, can't wait for season 2
I'll definitly do more sketches of the characters(really need to draw viktor🙏)
But for now I'll have to concentrate on other things, bring back commissions and I really wanna try doing some merchandising (pin's, stikers, T-shirts...)

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Klee dihiasi stiker stiker anak Mondo! Tapi... Mr Weird Grown Up stikernya mana??

Karyababu by nder👌

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No es lo mejor pero es mi primer dibujo en digital no hecho en paint
Lo hice por si te gustaría usarlo de stiker para YouTube y si tienen alguna duda me pueden hablar por discord

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new twin red hair vinn, orange hair viel 🐱🐱

sowwy belum bisa bikin yg official(apaansi) dulu ㅠㅠ
ini niatnya kucetak stiker 👀

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"Dodo, Dodo iyatin apah?"
"Dodo agi iyatin mami Ci"
PoV : Gw yg pasrah ketika Dodo nempelin stiker semuka-muka


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Stiker emot komis ke
Karena aku org yg
1. Halu howny mentok ga ada obat..AHEM i mean. Suka gombal krn appreciate beauwty
2. Org yg sukanya bodo amat, cuek, kpd hal yg menurutku bukan prioritas
3. Suka quality time membadut dan di badut
Mau style kocak kata gini? CUSH

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Nih aku mo kasi tau kalo aku jualan Stiker pack biar keren aja
atau bisa dicari tau di IG @ TokoMiloNeko

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Stiker terminado y la frase posiblemente temporal.

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La telentosisisima dani agregó más stikers
Me muero de amor amor amor amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Estiker colaboración con mi amiga arya

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otro o :'v como le dicen?.

Voy 2 faltan 3 pienso hacer 5 mm...
Como los pego en una tabla de comissiones :' ay necesito ayuda.

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Estiker colaboración con mi amigos foxas Fox

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Karyaku! iseng2 bikin projek stiker hhuhuhu capek kali dua anak lagi semangat aku huahauauahu

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