Her chosen were often misunderstood & the name 'a murder' was so unjust & unfair to them she thought as they took to wing around her. Still their was evil in the air now striking the earth and burning where it struck. They had work to do & she did as well

1 12

She was still not sure what to make of her new companion. Before she could find out more about him two hounds from the fiery pits of hell appeared baying and leaping to the attack. The Dragonkin spun round and with a roar back leapt to meet the hounds

1 11

The duo's expression said it all. Neither would go against their Lord's wishes but neither was happy with hid decision to force them to work together. Yes they were his best knights but the pair had hated one another even before SHE came between them.

7 25

and the angel of our Lord came down and behold there were those that still doubted his power, his very existence. She is just an Aasimar, its a con cried several from the hidden depths of the crowd, agents of the darker powers no doubt

2 16

They stood together in front of the dilapidated home as the scarred and superstitious mob advanced one them. Inside the run down building their companions worked urgently to break the curse on the woman, the woman the mob before them wanted to hang, burn..

8 47

The finger landed on the battlefield like some sort of Angel or Valkyrie though in her hand was a staff. A strange crystal or gem sat atop her staff & as she passed by the fallen it glowed with a pale azure light as a similar light seemed to leave the dead

4 22

Had it not been for the darkness of her garb, of her wings and crown, you would have thought her an innocent. Then she spoke, the guttural foul sound of abyssal should alien coming from such sweet lips. A purple flame, the start of the portal to hell...

4 36

There were those who did not understand, who feared magic, who feared her & thus called her evil, a creature from hell! She was not evil & certainly not from Hell. Her Goddess was the sun, she was the light, the righteous fire and the searing heat of truth

3 27

The priests & monks thought they were safe hiding here in their catacombs and crypts but her 'pet' easily sniffed out their hiding places. She carried her sword with casual ease an intimidating sight even though she did not need to use them - claws & jaws

7 27

They were starting to think the quest was doomed from the outset. The loss of the original ship, the attack from the deep currently in the process of destroying its replacement and as they flee more foes seek to pull them down

7 46

As she cleaned the last of the demon blood from her blade she looked out into the nights sky. Her city &her people were safe for another day, hopefully longer this time around. The hoard had learnt that Queen, soldier and even the common people would fight

4 17

energy seemed to resonate out of her palms and the bindings that had held her not just unwrapped but unrolled and seemed to flutter away, shooting in the direction of the figure that had created them moments earlier...

11 47

the dark ribbon leapt into the air and seemed to intent on leading her somewhere. She took to wing and followed it but readied her shield and mace. Just because someone wanted to meet her it did not mean their intentions were good...

1 18

She flew desperately between the many heads of the hydra, trying to fend each attack off while hopefully getting in a strike of her own. There was just too many heads for her to deal with alone and she was forced to fight defensively hoping that help...

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