2021 FINALISTS: AUDIO SHOWS (2/2): ROCKETS AND BLUE LIGHTS / Royal Exchange / Lockdown Theatre Festival ; THE BARREN AUTHOR / Richard O’Brien / from Barnaby Eaton-Jones / Spiteful Puppet /

4 15

89 - Muk
Type: Poison

As it moves, a very strong poison leaks from it, making the ground there barren for three years.

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Quand tu es habitué à ce que les gens de ton immeuble, ne disent jamais bonjour, se barrent dans l'ascenseur sans attendre les autres, ne disent pas merci quand tu leurs tient la porte, et j'en passe ...
que quand t'en croise trois d'un coup qui sont sympa, t'as peur...

13 303

💠💠another drawing(*^‿^*)💠💠

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コミックBAR Renta!

76 359

have any of my mutuals watched code geass I Am Alone On this Barren Earth

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12 58

"In this barren land, cuteness can't do anything!
Arggg!! I can't stand it when I see a weak creature like you!"

511 3476

Oier Zuñiga
Yayo Herrero eta Unai Pascual
Lide Hernando
Karlos Renedo
Izaro Cuadra
Iñaki Egaña
Izaro Ieregi
Nora Salbotx, Ibai Redondo, Maitane Nerekan eta Aitzol Gil de Sanvicente
Floren Aoiz
Joana Garmendia
Mireille Fanon
Aurélie Trouvé
Pernando Barrena

Laster kalean.

9 28

本日25:00~TOKYO MX、BSフジ
コミックBAR Renta!
さん さん


64 674

So you be judge eg my nation which best for biodiversity?
Crops or sheep?
Everywhere I go- story it is same.
So why does anyone think otherwise? Seems so obvious to me growing up my grandfather sheep farm no pesticides & so many wild animals but cities & crop areas it is barren.

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Eva - Tiefling Fiend Warlock (hard DMC inspo on her)
Linamarin - Kalishtar Abarrent Mind Sorcerer (kinda self inserty?)
Thrylos Human Bladesinger Wizard (Dylan’s GW2 character and my wife)
Kannada - Human Hexblade warlock (My GW2 Character)
Lyr - Colbalt Soul monk (it’s Lirea)

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Client researching a previously record site noted as 100% destroyed by mechanical landscaping & erosion asked me what the aerials showed.

Me, "It's barren."

Him, "What do you mean, barren."

Me, "Bare. Wasteland. Deflated."

Him, "Are you sure?"

I sent him this in reply.🤣

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I’ve decided to put this Spanish Illustrator into a four because it’s nearly lunch time and I want to post them before then The first three are from Sherlock Holmes. I’ve posted Iban Barrenetxea before but not recently.

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The great steel birds invasion
Like the locusts of the scriptures
Will wreak havoc to leave barren lands
With the seven plagues hanging under their wing
No airmen to fly the deadly beasts
Just polyester AI bots
Who will be sitting in rows
On the next Nuremberg benches

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Went back and changed a few things. Thought it was too barren

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11 25

89 - Muk
Type: Poison

As it moves, a very strong poison leaks from it, making the ground there barren for three years.

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