Um dos novos emotes do lol ta titulado como Hecarim, assim provando que Hecarim é o cavalo assim como Sejuani é a Porca

Ironia na praça

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gym sejuani is first art of 2023

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Sejuani I desperately want and need her to trample me who doesn’t want a big lady on a boar to trample them if u say u don’t u LIE (League of Legends)

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Sejuani - League of Legends

muscles. queen behavior. The Winter's Claw triumphs!

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For next season I’m looking to climb out of gold and into high plat low Diamond(big way to go but who cares, I’ll be there eventually).
I main support mostly playing
I can also flex into pretty much every other role, I don’t mind

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Sejuani: Where did you hide the food? Here?

Ashe: Wait!

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My League addiction is, unfortunately, back
so here are some Chibs🧎

💜Hextech Sejuani & Gangplank💜

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Chromas Victorious Sejuani Platinum and Diamond

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The amount of people asking me to draw lewd Sejuani is getting to critical levels Johnny but I can't blame 'em

The new skin she got is practically the closest we get to a God-Queen Sej 😂🥵

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Victorious Sejuani is near- so close to gold
We got big Ws in Stream and here is a reedemed drawing for CoKayn_V2!!

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Tanque favorito
Otra matriarca se lleva el puesto y es que Sejuani support es algo divertidísimo de jugar uvu

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We could never play together because we'd just end up fighting over who can support😔

I haven't played Senna in ages but when I started League again in like 2019-2020 she was my main support for a long time!

I'm sad I can't put fifth image for my girl Sejuani✊

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