cicero gavar from
took more time than i should to figure out how to draw this ah beng

7 10

cicero dorito pizza gavar

4 1

I'M SO WEAK... I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH... Cicero and Kalden from

6 13

Small closeups since some detail gets lost huhu- I love Cicero's mask, I'm gonna draw it more often for sure *_*

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"To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child."
📖M. Tullius Cicero, Orator, 120

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Now for something completely different. From Italy in fact is this Surrealistic painting by Mario Ciceron Pazmino

20 38 updated! in which, we get to hear cicero's reassuring words. (RT, please!)

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Cicerone scrisse a Roma

all'apice del successo


Ovidio relegato per editto

ove il Danubio va nel mar Nero


30 43

Grazie ad Agostino

conosciamo un brano

dell'Ortensio di Cicerone

opera non giunta a noi

in forma completa


42 65

Have a new wonderful friend seems so close in character to Cicero from TES:Skyrim. Oh wow so much nostalgy!

3 9

Il ragazzo che legge Cicerone è una esaltazione dei miti classici ripresi nel V. Foppa, 1464

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Did cicero hear someone say...... Murder???

2 5

New artwork for sale! - "Eugen Cicero" -

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« Whatever you do, do with all your might. »
Cicero. "Portrait Landscape" exhibition's opening in 32 days...

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